Mastercard at Austin Cities Summit: Partnering for More Connected Cities

March 6, 2018 | By Bernhard Mors

At a time of rapid urbanization, public and private sector leaders need to move beyond siloed approaches towards holistic partnership models that support inclusive and sustainable growth in cities.

That is why Mastercard is pioneering City Possible, a new model of public-private partnerships for cities that puts people, not technology at the center – addressing challenges ranging from transportation and education to work and entrepreneurship.


Working with its partners, Mastercard helps cities and citizens address these challenges – for example by making getting around a city more convenient for residents and visitors through digital transit tickets, by making everyday life more inclusive for people and small businesses through access to a digital identity, and by helping urban planning through better, more real-time insights.

Next week at the NYC House in Austin (Four Seasons Hotel, 98 San Jacinto Blvd.), Mastercard will showcase how our solutions, insights and partnerships are helping to build more connected cities.

On March 12 & 13, Mastercard executives will participate in a number of sessions throughout Austin:

Monday, March 12

    • 10:35 – 11 am: Shamina Singh, President, Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, will participate in a panel on “Making Cities Inclusive, Equitable And Sustainable” (Four Seasons Hotel, East Lawn)
    • 4:35 – 5 pm: Jennifer Rademaker, EVP Customer Delivery, will join a talk on “Women in Leadership” (Four Seasons Hotel, East Lawn)
    • 5:20 – 6 pm: Jennifer Rademaker, EVP Customer Delivery, will participate in a discussion on “Breaking the Mold in Public-Private Partnerships” (Four Seasons Hotel, Ballroom AB)

Tuesday, March 13

    • 9:30 – 10:30 am: Shamina Singh, President, Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, will join a panel on the “Spirituality of Philanthropy” (Westin Austin Downtown 310 E 5th St)
    • 1:35 – 2 pm: Hany Fam, EVP Enterprise Partnerships, will discuss “Mobility in a Modern World” with other panelists (Four Seasons Hotel, East Lawn)

 If you’re in Austin, the Mastercard team would love to see you at NYC House. To schedule interviews or NYC House tours, please contact

Bernhard Mors